Our Bryce Canyon Vacation: Horses, Hounds, and Adventure.

Our Bryce Canyon Vacation: Horses, Hounds, and Adventure.

“Such a wonderful experience with our horses,
hounds and friends. Memories that will last a lifetime.”
By Stephanie Westover

Okay, so if I could design a vacation for myself what would it include? Val, our hounds, our horses, great friends, a beautiful location, exciting adventure and ohhh, Let me not forget.... Photography.
Wow, now that is my kind of vacation!

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Bordercollies & Irish Wolfhounds!

Bordercollies & Irish Wolfhounds!

As we all know, life is filled with ups and downs, gains and losses and that is what keeps it interesting and exciting at the same time. Life for us is a constant adventure and I feel grateful for all of the positive and negative experiences, our life is anything but dull!

A year ago we lost our beloved Monty to an unfortunate accident on our last photography “Ranch” project in Northern California. Both Monty and Val had severe heat-stroke and Val pulled through and Monty did not. Monty’s tragic death was one of the most devastating and traumatic happenings in Val and I’s life together. Even though Monty was not human... his friendly and loving personality captured our hearts and won the admiration and love of many....he was a “superstar” used in our photo sessions, and going everywhere with us. Monty was my life and that kind of spirit can never be replaced.

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