Award Winning Photography

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Top 10 Fun Photos Of People And Animals

Photography is Val’s life and passion and if you were to ask Val if he thinks photographing families, Kids, pets and animals of all sorts is “Fun”, he would say “Absolutely”! But as you can guess, photographing as long as Val has, there are going to be some pretty hilarious and fun shots that can happen, especially when children or animals are involved. Our clients really know how to keep us and Val on his toes and here are some of our favorite fun photos.

Top 10 Fun Photos Of People And Animals

Fun photo #10
2 Year Old Twins Perfectly Posing At Sunset

Val loves photographing children...he finds them to be so good natured, pure and innocent and that makes his job so rewarding. This shot was taken at the end of a very fun family session that included a mom, dad, huge beautiful rambunctious golden retriever and two year old twins. We didn’t think the twins had it in them and they were basically at the end of their 2 year old limit on patience, but Val was able to get these two to muster up at the very end of the photo session to show some true brother and sister love. ♥️

Fun photo #9
Border Collie At The Drivers Seat

While working on one of our most favorite photography projects in Northern California, Val found himself finding unique photo opportunities everywhere. From lush green grassy meadows to raging white water rivers, you couldn’t turn around without seeingbeauty that would take your breath away. Val’s faithful companion Gillie the border collie, ever at his side, was always trying to get in the shot. Well, this tractor seemed the perfect spot to insert her into the landscape. Believe it or not, she was pretty happy in the drivers seat and everyone that knows that the breed, knows they are most likely talented enough to drive.
Go Gillie go!

Fun photo #8
Three Animals That You Wouldn’t Expect To cuddle Together

Even though this was not an official paying photo session, this shot proves how important it is to include your beloved fur/feather babies in your family portraits...

While testing out some new camera equipment, Val posed Monty the border collie, his silly Charlie bird and a very cranky and reluctant George the cat for a fun shot that we will treasure forerever since all 3 have passed over the “Rainbow Bridge”.
We love them and miss them so.

Fun photo #7
Girl Rides Horse Like A Mountain Bike

If you are a follower of Val & Stephanie’s epic adventures you know that we love animals and we love to travel. In any given month you can find us in Beautiful places like the iconic ranches and mountains of Montana, the ever growing metropolis of Salt Lake City, the beautiful beaches of Orange County, or the majestic sage and terrain of the high desert in Reno. Whenever we get the opportunity to photograph hoses and people we jump at it! One of our favorite places to photograph is the awesome people and horses and hounds of Red rock hounds in Reno Nevada.

This shot was almost an “ooops!” That turned into a “wow” when young Haley who is a world class athlete, rider and renowned mountain biker took a coop/jump to another level!

Way to keep those “heels down” Haley girl, what a rider!

Fun photo #6
Young Boy Taunts Photographer

You’ve got a friend in me! Val can’t go anywhere without making his mark and this was a session that showed him that he can be definitely outdone. While photographing at our favorite ranch in Montana ( we encountered a character that absolutely knocked our socks off...he kept Val on his toes the entire time from telling him how he needed to shine his boots and lessons in cowboy etiquette and manners. While Val had him giggling and smiling I was able to grab a quick fantastic “hat’s off to you Val” shot.

Fun photo #5
Perfectly Posed Colored Sheep

So we all know that Val is a magician and the secret to how he/we got this shot I will never reveal! But, with patience, persistence and the help of his trusted sidekick “Gillie” the border collie Val was able to get all of these colorful personalities lined up for their photographic debut.

All but hot-pink gidget (showing her best side) seemed to participate willingly.

This colorful crew of woolies really gave us a “Run for our money!”.

Fun photo #4
High School Senior With Mud On His Face

High school seniors tend to be some of our most favorite subjects. We are so blessed to have some of the most wonderful clients who end up having the best kids to photograph. Each of these young folks have such unique personalities and interests that they usually want to “show off” during their Pre-graduation session.

Some play sports, or musical instrument, have a special pet, and or hobby. Each session is always fun and exciting to see what our senior will bring with them to be photographed. The Dooley’s didn’t disappoint us with a full day of festivities to celebrate their son’s graduation. We started off with formal photography with family and beloved pets and ended up with a “mud bogging” shin dig to remember.... this session will go into our books as one of the greatest of all times!

Fun photo #3
All Are Having Fun, But One

This shot is one of my most favorite all time photo’s ever! I always get asked if ever the session doesn’t go as smoothly as how all of Val’s picture perfect images portray and the answer is yes! All of the time! Val does have Jedi-skills and super powers when it comes to children and animals but sometimes one or all might not want to cooperate in the whole family photo plan.... this is one of our most longtime and beloved clients who is even braver than us by having the job of being mom to these red haired characters!

This is the epitome of the life of a family portrait photographer....Val you are pure genius.

Fun photo #2
Not Your Typical Family Portrait Jumping Photo

What a cool family....The Hayden’s never disappoint us with giving us something amazing to photograph. They live in a secluded private community tucked in the hills above San Juan Capistrano with there incredible children and animals. Their home is a dream come true and their entire life seems fit perfectly with their personalities. This year they wanted to have a surprise ending to their family session and Wow! Did they ever give Val a fun challenge. With only one opportunity to take the shot they all took a running leap and made quite a splash. Too much fun! Go Team Hayden! CLICK HERE to see more photos of the Hayden’s

Fun photo #1
Wife Gets Pummeled, Husband Stays Dry

The Watson family is so dear to our heart... Val has known Megan since she was a tiny girl and we both photographed her and Jon’s storybook wedding, their children’s newborn pictures and each step of this beautiful families progression through life.

Well in life there is always room for a good dousing! What good sports they are and luckily it is the last shot! Val takes great care and pride in the fact that his families are always high and dry during their sessions...the Watsons were wildly to take a little bit more of a risk and it paid off big with beautiful sunset shots and One Big Wave!

Val assured me that no one was hurt and there was lot’s of laughing after the session was done!

We think that our next fun photo might be of your family!
We are booking our “End-of-Summer” and Fall sessions now. Book your family session before the kids go back to school, or choose one of our breathtaking beaches or natural locations to get a jump start on your holiday cards. Contact us for availability and to book your fun appointment with Val today.

August September 2019 Special
Free digital Download of all of your hi-res images from your session with purchase of any package!