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What Are the Best Outfits to Wear in Your Headshot Session?

When it comes to professional business headshots, choosing the right outfit can make a significant impact on how you present yourself and how others perceive you. Your headshot is often the first impression potential clients, employers, or colleagues will have of you, so it's essential to dress appropriately and professionally. Here are some tips on selecting the best outfits for your headshot session with Val Westover Photography.

Classic and Timeless

Opt for classic and timeless outfits that will never go out of style. Solid colors like black, navy, gray, and white are always safe choices. These colors convey professionalism and are less likely to distract from your face and expressions. Avoid loud patterns or busy prints that can overshadow your features.

Dress for Your Industry

Consider the industry you work in and dress accordingly. Different professions have different expectations when it comes to attire. If you work in a corporate setting, a suit or a blazer with a button-down shirt can be a great choice. On the other hand, if you work in a creative field, you might have more flexibility to showcase your personal style while still maintaining a professional look.

Choose Flattering Necklines

The neckline of your outfit can have a significant impact on how your headshot turns out. V-neck or scoop-neck tops tend to be more flattering as they elongate the neck and create a more balanced composition. Avoid high necklines or turtlenecks that can make your neck appear shorter or create a boxy silhouette.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is key when it comes to headshot outfits. Avoid excessive accessories or jewelry that can be distracting. Opt for minimal or no jewelry, and if you do wear any, choose pieces that are subtle and complement your overall look. Remember, the focus should be on your face and not on your accessories.

Consider Your Skin Tone

Select colors that complement your skin tone and enhance your natural features. Cooler skin tones tend to look good in jewel tones and cool neutrals like blues, purples, and grays. Warmer skin tones can be enhanced by earthy tones like browns, creams, and warm neutrals. Experiment with different colors to find what works best for you.

Pay Attention to Fit

Ensure that your outfit fits well and flatters your body shape. Ill-fitting clothes can make you appear unprofessional or less confident. Avoid clothes that are too tight or too loose as they can create unflattering lines or distort your body proportions.

Don't Forget the Details

Pay attention to the small details that can make a big difference. Make sure your clothes are clean, ironed, and free from wrinkles. Check that your shoes are polished and in good condition, even if they might not be visible in the headshot. These small details contribute to an overall polished and professional look.

Remember, the goal of a professional business headshot is to showcase your competence, approachability, and professionalism. By selecting the right outfits for your headshot session, you can ensure that your image accurately represents who you are and leaves a positive and lasting impression on those who view it. Trust Val Westover Photography to capture your best self in your headshot, and let your professionalism shine through.